Friday, April 17, 2009

Hot Damn!:

Queen's Blade: 3 RAW

Tomoe & Shizuka at the resort. Followed by some oil wrestling, Reina vs Echidna. At least I hope thats oil X.x Either ways Echidna has her way with Reina XD And Risty exits stage left with the prize money. Eps. 4 Claudette vs Reina.


Nekoking said...

The oil did look wierd. Lol poor reina she doesn't seem to be having much luck

HomerJ said...

indeed, not sure if the official tournment starts next eps. or if its just going to be Reina's sister beating some since into her XD

Nekoking said...

LOL probably. I loved the ending shot of the angel giving the thumbs up.