Monday, March 06, 2006

Artist Sites of the Day:

Fatal Frame3 Spoilers:
One ending down on Fatal Frame 3, hopefully the second ending will fill in the plotholes of what happened to Mio from FF2. The cast of FF3 consists of Rei Kurosawa, "the heroine of ff3" Kei Amakura, "the brother of the twins from FF2" & Miku Hinasaki, "the heroine of ff1". The game also revolves around the dead loved ones of the heros, the Tattooed Woman, and the Manor of Sleep. All this taking place when you sleep, the rest of the time you'll be doing research in the real world/your house. As far as unlockables, an assortment of the usuals. Hidden characters, cinematic movies, clothes, missions, etc. My current end game ranking is an E, missed half the hidden ghosts.

Artist Sites of the Day:




Amazing Order


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