Wednesday, January 25, 2006



Finally added Alice in Sexland to the blog. Was lucky enough to get a hold of the original mangas, a couple years back. Good stuff, indeed. O.< b If anyone wants me to hunt down the translated mangas or upload other translated mangs "Secret Plot and Slut Girl", leave a comment.
If i get time friday, ill be adding 6 Kenix doujins "Orange Pie and Nyugio" for download.


Anonymous said...

whats the rundown on Alice in Sexland manga should i down it or not? whats your rating on it?

HomerJ said...

I liked it enough, i bought the original books >?< created by the same guy who did voice of submission, "Mashumaru Juubaori". the only downside would be that it contains a little futa X.x

The story is a preverted pov of alice in wonderland, with female characters of the rabbit, chesire, etc. Most of the cast from the book get there groove on in there own twisted way.