Friday, November 13, 2009


Queen's Blade: The Successor of the Throne Eps. 8

Its all coming together. Airi in an exhausted state, faces off against Nanael. Who in all reality would have won the fight either way, if not for her clumsiness. As yet again we get spillage, causing a crack in Melona's prison. Airi catching da angel off gaurd, fades away. Gaining Nanael her first victory. Ah yeah, da shapeshifters on da loose XD Yuumil finishes the upgrade to Reina's sword with Ranas' assistance. In addition, we get are first look at Reina's mother. Nanael's win is short lived as she faces of against the nomad warrior. And the next battle is set to take place, Listy vs Claudette. Echidna and Melona aside, we should down to the final four. Ell, I doubt Echidnas interested in the throne. Maybe some payback XD On a final note, Menace has the spotlight on the ED. Work that body O.< b

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