Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bad Shrooms:

Queen's Blade: 4 RAW

Enter the first battle of da Queens Blade,"via Nanael" Claudette vs Reina. Then again second if you count the short scene with Nix on the Viewing Globe from the last eps. After holding back and some scenes of the sisters past, Claudette lays down da thunder on her half sister. Ending result Reina falls down a cliff, roll Claudette's credits. Eps. 5 Tomoe vs Menace >?<


nekoking said...

Nooooooo reina. It was expected though LOL. She's lucky she didn't get high off the mushroom.

HomerJ said...

Well shes da rookie in the series, compared to the others

Shes got some lvling to do XD

nekoking said...

LOL cause it's reina she's gonna have to grind like hell. But I'm still rooting for her. Next episode looks good