Suikoden V:
Years later, still no news on a 6th installment .... Let the dust off begin. And it's been a while since i've got my Suikoden on. Combined completion 356 hrs, weapons forged to the max, and characters lvls around 60. Hero's being over 70 :P This time around I sampled n maxed out other characters through training n hr grinding. A few gaining new found respect Lu and Richard being prime examples.
Back to basics, being a vampire saves on healing. Eyeball rings are your friend. Drain Runes can do wonders with multiple hits n critical attacks. Magic Absorb helps magic users keep spells in stock. While Crazed, Killer, and Poison Runes can give a weaker character a bit more, if not extra bite. Don't forget to use your skill sets, training is your friend.
Mid Boss 1:
Lelei: Howling, Killer, Counter Rune
Kyle: Water, Counter Rune
Hazuki: Sickle, Killer Rune
Lyon: Twilight Rune
Roy: Drain, Counter Rune
Faylen: Poison Rune
Mid Boss 2:
Richard: Swallow, Counter Rune
Georg: Killer, Counter Rune
Zweig: Drain, Mother Earth Rune
Sharmista: Cyclone, Poison, Phero Rune
Lu: Mischief, Drain Rune
Cathari: Godspeed, Drain Rune
Mid Boss 3:
Ernst: Beast Rune
Raven: Raven, Crazed Rune
Viki: Phero, Blinking, Rage Rune
Sagari: Shrike, Turtle Rune
Zerase: Star, Magic Absorb Rune
Hero: Fortune, Dawn, Prosperity Rune
Final Boss:
Hero: Fortune, Dawn, Prosperity Rune
Ernst: Beast Rune
Richard: Swallow, Counter Rune
Viki: Phero, Blinking, Rage Rune
Sharmista: Cyclone, Poison, Phero Rune
Lu: Mischief, Drain Rune
Edit: Looks like I forgot about the overseas release of Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki on psp in 2012. Doubt that'll get translated for the west.