Hentai Previews: Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night Eps. 1
Score: Above average
Bang for your buck: 2
Sequel/expansion to the game. Finally Efanatika gets added to the mix and her alter ego Efa Guranaada...? A little confused on that, as she watches her self get fucked and then joins in. Special power maybe. With the expansion we get an added 3 girls and a beach scenario to look foward to.
Returning Monsters: So Far
Great Jaggi
Yian Kut-ku
New Additions:
Kechawacha: Pelagus Species
Goa Magara, the one at the end of both trailers
Nerusukyura, a Spider like carapaceon/neopteron
Tetsukabura, a hippo like rhino
a gaint sand wyvern
New Weapon:
Misaomushi Cane: launches insects, which can give your character status boosts.
Not sure on the cat cannon combo yet.
Yet anoter new weapon has been added to the lineup. Looks like a longsword but shorter, possibly a duel weapon. My votes for an axe with a powerup simular to the hammer.
New Status Effect:
Kyouryuu virus: When full blown, the virus blocks a players ability to regenerate. Theres an added critical hit bonus if the player can land enough blows before the gauge fills.
The virus is not limited to one monster. Also It would seem you can spread the virus among other monsters. Debunking my earlier tigrex sub species comment.
Traveling Caravan:
In the latest info released, your caravan travels from one village to another. Each terrain with their own to call home. Also your carravan will act as base camp on quests.