Updates:Still playing Suikoden 4 on the replay, up to Snowe's exile. Ending result, late previews. Damn I need a new Suikoden game, still no updates on the next title. Ell, theres been Wii talk, but nothing confirmed. On that note, conts to wait for Fatal Frame. And let the countdown for Mario Kart Begin!
In anime related news,
Slayers is returning after 10 years in the form of Revolution. Still haven't finished the last 2 seasons X.x
Zero no Tsukaima be getting a 3rd season, hopefully better than the 2nd. And currently in the works, a Trigun movie. Bah, only posted that one for the fans of the series. Movies also in the works; G.I.Joe, Transformers 2, a Live action Akira, and Dragon Ball Z. Leonardo DiCaprio rumored, suffer Akira fans. On an ending note, "Cobra~~~~~~~"! XD
Previews:Kamen no Maid Guy: 3