Updates:Finally a Weekend off, Da Horrors...... August will be da death of da Master. This month can go to ell, if its not one thing its another. Vacation plans screwed, customer complaints, etc. At least September will go off with a bang, part one of vacation. Even if its just hanging around the house, points to previous statement.
Ebay news; purchased a couple items. The most recent received, My wife is a Gangster DVD set. Pure ownage, been wanting to see the 3rd movie, even if its a new story. More purchases to come as recieved.
A quick rundown on current movies watched, Simpsons Movie,"Over rated", Aqau Team Hunger Force,"To long", The Condemned, "not bad, but could have been better" and Dr Strange, "pretty much the same view as the other animated comic movies".
Conts. to wait for Dokuro chan 2nd season to get subbed and the DVD version of Magical Witch Academy eps. 2.