Upates:Finished off Suikoden 1 over the weekend. No, i dont have an addiction. I can quite anytime i want. >?< This time, game completion around 30 hrs. Characters lvls being around 60 and weapons forged to the max. Previous time around 26 hrs. Not realy a selection change as to the characters used on the final battle. Being stuck with Flik and Victor. Not going to give up my Shrike Rune user in any installment. >?< And on that note, started replaying Suikoden 5.
Hero: Souleater Rune
Sonya: Flowing Rune
Flik: Thunder Rune
Kasumi: Shrike Rune
Victor: Killer Rune
Cleao: Fire Rune
Previous Lineup:
Eileen: Mother Earth Rune
Sarah: Flowing Rune
Victor: Clone Rune
In closing news, another part of the family will be mia for a while. Sasuke, the creator of Link.Sea. Not going to go in great detail over it. But he will be laptopless for a couple months. X.x