The horrors of work. In the latest of news; finished suikoden 3 on the replay. A pain in the ass without my players guide, "which does exist" and the usual daily grind. As to where mine went, i have no clue, "it haunts me =_=". When it comes to players guides i usually get one as a last resort or to help in the collecting of secrets. :P As usual with suikoden games weapons forged to the max, level around 55-60. I usually have a couple characters with fury runes attatched by the end of the game, no such luck this time. X.x And on that note, started suikoden 4 on the replay o.- b
Yuber Fight:
Geddoe: true lightning, lightning
Aila: mother earth, shield
Queen: shield, viper
Gau: counter, unicorn
Mel: devils doll, counter
Sharon: wind, killer
Sarah Fight:
Hugo: true water rune
Lucia: haziness, rage, killer
Sgt. Joe: killer, water
Fubar: shining wind
Dupa: fury
Viki: pale gate , blinking, shield
Final Boss:
Chris: true fire rune, phoenix
Hugo: true water rune
Emily: warrior, haziness
Ayane: shrike, haziness
Geddoe: true lightning, lightning
Nei: Shield, skunk, jongleur