Was planning on updating the blog today, but it would seem i pulled something in my back. "limited mobility" If its not one thing its another >?< In old news, finished off Suikoden 2. Each characters level around 63 and weapons forged to the max. Next ill prob dust of suikoden 3 or play the chronotrigger remake for the final fantasy chronicles.
Characters used for final boss:
Hero: runes: violence, bright shield, darkness
Rina: runes: rage
Eilie: runes: cyclone, mother earth
Kasumi: runes: shrike, fury "all hail the shrike rune"
Karen: twin ring, flowing, fury
Oulan: fury, angry dragon "needs to make another appearence in a suikoden game" >?<
As some of you have noticed ive added a couple team members to the drunken family, praise there updates. For in my absence they will be your source for knowledge. On that note welcome a new member to the h community.
On an ending note, Ill try and update the blog this week. Depending on my health, most likely previews.