Still playing suikoden, trying to recruit all the stars o.< b Getting pretty close to the end, just got the new addition to my castle and the stars of destiny tablet from Zerase, "the holder of the star rune". Whom is also a playable character, one of the strongest characters for that matter. Leknaat also makes an appearence. Upside being a good story and a variety of characters, downsize being the military battles, "worst battle system out of the 5 games". On another note, Jeanne looks like an amazon. Shes that tall, rofl. At least i got my shrike rune "rune of choice" user Sagiri. Probally the weakest out of the 5 suikoden shrike rune users.
For those curious about the photobucket banners, they killed another one of my accounts. Bastards .......... =_=
Conserning the banners, no telling when ill get time to correct them. Hopefully this weekend, depending on how far on suikoden and how far behind on anime i get. The good news being, i have the previews/images saved. Unlike last time ............ =_= The bad news being, correcting them. ....................... =_=
On an ending note; at least there was some good news, while i was at work today. >?<